Gay cum slut rape

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The secret is out and I’m exposed as a drunk who repeats gossip ….

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By the way I try to write with American terms because if I wrote like I speak, using English slang, no one would understand a word I said… When I start to write I just can’t stop till I finish off completely, the words come to my head so fast my fingers just can’t cope with the speed. I sit in bars and pubs and can guarantee that by the end of the night someone will have come up to me blabbing out his life story, or telling me dirty jokes, or mouthing off about his boyfriend, lover, sex life or some such shit (I must have that type of face) Next day when I sober up I write it all down in my own words. My books are all taken from stories I get told. You’re here to read about my books, not me, so I won’t bore you to death with all that usual bio crap and I’ll try to be brief… Only to say I’m English and at the time of writing I’m 45 years old. Hi, I’m Gary, thanks for checking me out.

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